
Jenkins Blog

Find out more about the history of May Day and Law Day in the United States.
Use our new resource guide to see what dictionaries, thesauri, and more are available at Jenkins.
Want to know where to find Restatements and Principles of the Law? Check out our new resource guide.
Want to know where to find information on evidence, discovery, depositions, and interrogatories? Check out our new resource guide.
Our new Self-Help Resource Guide has links to websites and describes some resources available at Jenkins to help non-attorneys get started with legal research.
Have questions about attorney fees, billing, and salaries? Check out our new resource guide.
Need help knowing where to find federal information? Check out our new resource guide.
If you need to research a federal tax issue, you may find our new Resource Guide helpful.
Legislative history material may be useful in interpreting federal laws. Check out our new guide for tips before you begin.
Our Pennsylvania Legislative Histories database now has over 1200 histories!